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Powerful And Wealthy Rothschild Family

Who are the Rothschilds?????

 The Rothschild family is a wealthy Jewish family originated from Frankfurt. The founder of the family was Mayer Amschel Rothschild. Mayer Rothschild established the banking business in 1760s. He became very successful. He decided to expand his business through his 5 sons. The business was expanded to London, Paris, Vienna and Naples. His 5 sons and their branches were:


  • Amschel Mayer Rothschild(1773–1855): Frankfurt
  • Salmon Mayer Rothschild (1774–1855): Vienna
  • Nathan Mayer Rothschild (1777–1836): London
  • Calmann Mayer Rothschild (1788–1855): Naples
  • Jacob Mayer Rothschild (1792–1868): Paris

Mayer Rothschild kept the family’s wealth in full secrecy. And the family fortune was kept in the family as like many royals, Mayer Rothschild married his sons with their cousins.

What Businesses The Rothschild Family Invested?

  • Merchant banking, Private banking, Asset management, Bills of exchange, Equity, Gobal financial advice, Mergers & acquisitions, Insurance, Venture capital, Pensions, Investments, Bonds, loans & sovereign lending, Privatisation.
  • Commodities related companies who worked for Cotton, Indigo, Sugar, Tea & coffee, Tobacco.
  • Communications & technology.
  • Companies related with production of Bridges, Tunnels.
  • Hotels, tourism & leisure.
  • Manufacturing of Cars, Iron & steel Mines, Steel and Ironworks Corporation,Textiles.
  • Media & publishing companies.
  • Natural resources companies related to Coal, Copper, Nickel, Oil, Platinum, Diamonds, Rubies, Quicksilver, Salt, Silver,Gold mining and bullion, The Royal Mint Refinery, The Gold Fixing.
  • They ventured in Electricity, Hydroelectricity, Gas, Water.
  • They invested for Aircraft, Canals, waterways & harbours, Road transport, Shipping.
  • They had built Railways like the Kaiser-Ferdinand's Nordbahn, The Chemin de fer du Nord, Brazilian railways, Indian railways, The London Underground, The New York Subway, Mass transit railways.
  • They invested much in the winery business.

Rothschild family had contributed in :

the Napoleonic wars, 

in the battle of Waterloo and 

their contributions in subsidy loans to Britain’s continental alies is estimated US$10.1 billion dollars today. 

They financed for Suez Canal. 

In fact they were directly involved in the independence of Brazil from Portugal. 

They funded the Japanese government for Russo Japanese War. 

The family funded for the creation of African colony Rhodesia.

The Rothschild family owned many expensive palaces. They had the largest private art collection in the world. They anonymously donated most of the art collections to many museums.

All estates that was or are owned by the wealthy Rothschild family:

Château d'Armailhac

Ascott House

Aston Clinton House


Château Clarke

De Haar Castle

Château Duhart-Milon

Exbury Gardens


Château de Ferrières

Jewish Museum Frankfurt

French porcelain

Goût Rothschild

Gunnersbury Park

Halton House

Haras de Meautry

Hôtel de Marigny

Hôtel de Pontalba

Hôtel Lambert

Hôtel Salomon de Rothschild

Château Lafite Rothschild

Château des Laurets

Château de Laversine

Mentmore Towers

Château Mouton Rothschild

Château de la Muette

Palais Albert Rothschild

Palais Nathaniel Rothschild

Palais Rothschild

Palais Rothschild (Prinz-Eugen-Straße)

Château de Reux

Château de Pregny

Rothschild properties in the home counties

Château Rothschild

Rushbrooke Hall

Shorncliffe Lodge

Spencer House, London

Tring Park Mansion

Vaux-de-Cernay Abbey

Villa Ephrussi de Rothschild

Villa Pignatelli

Villa Rothschild

Waddesdon Manor

Woodwalton Fen

Coat of Arms granted to the Barons Rothschild in 1822 by Emperor Francis One of Austria

With their glorious past and mountainous wealth this family belongs to the all time richest family clubs. Their secretive life and global influence linked them with numerous conspiracy theories. But the Rothschild family remains strong and powerful with their astounding achievements. Though there are no proof of these conspiracy theories, every year thousands of articles are published linking this family with conspiracies around the world.

Let’s hear some of the most outrageous theories regarding the Rothschild and let us be clear NOT A SINGLE THEORY HERE WERE EVER PROVEN. Many people has been found guilty of false accusations.

1. It is said that the Rothschild family controlled 80% money in the world for 200 years.

2.There is an insane theory that  this family has a net worth of 500 trillion dollars. Is it even possible? According to some researchers, there isn’t even 500 trillion dollars if we combine everyones wealth in the world.
3. According to some conspiracy theorist, Rothschild family controls the whole world’s wealth.
4.Some theories suggested that Rothschild family were behind many notable wars.
5.This family is often linked to the illuminati. Another popular conspiracy theory is that illuminati controls the world. They decide what will happen. Insane right? Rothschild are included in illuminati members by the conspiracy theories.
6.American colonisation was also credited to them. Yes, you heard it right. According to some conspiracy the colonisation of America was done by involvement of the Rothschild family.

The conspiracy theories were never proven. But the conspiracy theories are still circulating in the internet.

Film coverage:

In 1934, a film named The House of Rothschild was made. The film had Loretta Young and George Arliss as actors. The film was based on the life of Mayer Amschel Rothschild and Nathan Mayer Rothschild.

There was a Broadway musical named as The Rothschilds. It depicted the family’s history. It became very famous and it was nominated for a Tony in 1971.

Philanthropic Works By The Rothschild Family members:

There are 30 Rothschild charitable foundations in Frankfurt, Germany. These foundations includes hospitals, public libraries, orphanages, homes for the elderly and special funds for the purpose of education.
The Rothschild family gave an estimated 60,000 pieces of artwork to numerous organizations. They are undoubtedly one of the most notable family for making their huge amounts of art donations. They have even donated many of the castles and mansions that they owned.

Let’s hear quotes by the Rothschilds...

Victor Rothschild, 3rd Baron Rothschild stated:

“Never have anything to do with an unlucky place, or an unlucky man. I have seen many clever men, very clever men, who had not shoes to their feet. I never act with them. Their advice sounds very well, but they cannot get on themselves; and if they cannot do good to themselves, how can they do good to me?”

Jacob Rothschild quotes:

“My parents divorced. There was the usual awkward business of going between them, but I was mostly with my mother. She remarried to a Greek painter Nico Ghika, so we were always around artists and intellectuals.“

“If we can go some way to creating a vibrant anaerobic digestion industry here in the U.K., we will be reaching our goals both in terms of economics and the environment.”

“Indeed, the economy and the environment need not be seen in opposition.”

“Unilever, Nestle and SAB Miller are all taking a long-term approach to investing in sustainable resource consumption. Each is driving through better resource management, which is expected to yield positive returns in the future.”

“My mother was a Bloomsbury figure: a great friend of TS Eliot, Duncan Grant, Vanessa Bell. My grandmother, Mary Hutchinson, gave her life to works of art, being an admirer of Matisse and Giaometti, whom I collected as a young man because of her.”

Mayer Amschel Rothschild quotes:

“Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws.”

“The few who understand the system, will either be so interested from it's profits or so dependent on it's favors, that there will be no opposition from that class.”

“I care not who controls a nation's political affairs, so long as I control her currency.”

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