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Thank These Inventions

Our life is made easy with many great inventions. Scientists and researchers dedicate their times to bring new and improved inventions. Let’s know about some inventions that were made in modern centuries.

1605 Newspaper

1618 Telescope 

1620 Compound microscope

1630 Slide rule

1642 Mechanical Computer

1643 Barometer 

1650 Vacuum Pump

1656 Pendulum clock 

1663 Friction machine

1680 Description of piston engine

1709 Piano, Alcohol thermometer 

1712 First commercial steam engine to pump water out of mines

1738 First mechanised cotton spinning machine

1746 Lead chamber process

1755 Artificial refrigerator machine 

1767 Method of producing carbonated water

1769 First steam powered vehicle capable of carrying passengers

1770 Weighing scale 

1776 Mechanical air compressor 

1783 Steam boat, Manned hot air ballon 

1785 Electrolysis technique 

1786 Threshing Machine 

1790 Sewing machine 

1792 Modern telegraph 

1795 Hydraulic press

1798 First successful vaccine

1799 Air compressor, Paper machine 

1804 Discovery of morphine, Steam locomotive, First modern general anaesthetic 

1810 Canning process for foot

1816 First working electric telegraph, Stirling engine 

1822 Heliography, First programmable mechanical computer 

1823 Lighter

1825 Electromagnet

1826 Match

1828 Hot blast process

1829 Compound air compressor

1837 Morse code

1838 Electrotyping 

1839 First solar cell

1842 Fuel cell, Man made fertiliser 

1847 Nitroglycerin 

1859 Rechargeable battery 

1862 First man made plastic 

1864 Pasteurisation process

1865 Genetics

1867 Dynamite

1872 Stainless steel 

1874 Metal detector 

1876 Four stroked cycle, Patent of telephone

1877 Working phonograph 

1878 Pelton wheel

1879 Incandescent light bulb

1884 Closed core high efficiency transformer and the AC parallel power distribution, Smokeless powder, Steam turbine

1885 Modern bicycle 

1886 Dry cell battery , First petrol or gasoline powered auto mobile

1887 Wind turbine, Gold cyanidation

1888 Ball point pen, Radio waves

1890 Chlorofluorocarbons, Aircraft 

1891 Zipper

1892 Cinematograph

1893 Diesel engine 

1895 System of wireless communication using radio waves, First radiograph / X-ray 

1898 Polyethylene

1899 Rechargeable battery 

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Let’s hear some quotes before saying goodbye, 

Science knows no country, because knowledge belongs to humanity, and is the torch which illuminates the world. Science is the highest personification of the nation because that nation will remain the first which carries the furthest the works of thought and intelligence.

Louis Pasteur

The grand aim of all science is to cover the greatest number of empirical facts by logical deduction from the smallest number of hypotheses or axioms.

Albert Einstein

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