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The United Kingdom : Who Ruled Many Countries

Collected from Graphic river

Tea is the most popular drink in UK

It is estimated that there are more than 300 different languages spoken in London.

The first postage stamp was created in UK.

The monument of Stonehenge is claimed to be one of the oldest monuments in the world and one of the seven world’s miracles.

Golf was invented in Scotland and today is considered as a national sport.

Queen Elizabeth ascended the throne in 1953 and in 2015 her excellence became the longest reigning Queen in the world.

The Windsor Castle is the oldest royal residence.

On August 1896 the United Kingdom and the Zanzibar Sultanate fought for around 40 minutes which is the shortest war ever happened in history.

The British passport is issued in the name of the Queen. So the Queen doesn’t need any passport. The Queen has visited over 100 different countries and not a single time has made it with a passport.

The University of Oxford is the oldest higher education institution in the UK.


is the longest name of a town in the world.

The BBC is paid by the public.

There is no active volcanoes in UK.

UK has only 15 National Parks but they cover 8% of the British land.

There are no mountains in England higher than 1000 meters.

Ben Nevis is the highest point of the UK’s mountains.

Corante was the first British newspaper was printed in 1621.

Royal weddings are national holidays.

London counts over 170 museums.

The smallest statue in London depicts two mice fighting for a piece of cheese.

Fordwich is the smallest town in UK with 400 residents.

The UK has no written constitute.

The UK has no national day.

27% of people in UK are obese, the highest percentage in the world.

UK is the 5th biggest exporter in the world.

It has 394,000 kilometers of paved roads, enough to go around the world up to ten times.

There is a law that was never abolished is that all men over the age of 14 must carry out two hours of longbow practice per day.

There are only few trash cans in the London. They were removed because London had experienced a lot of terrorist attacks and trash cans have been a common dropping point.

All sorts of horses in UK must have a passport.

To the present day Britain is the only country that doesn’t have its name on postage stamps.

The famous London Eye is the tallest observation wheel in the world.

Margaret Thatcher was the first woman ever elected as the Prime Minister of UK.

In England’s medieval times, animals were punished in the royal courts for any damages they inflict on people or properties of people.

Cheese rolling is a sport in the UK.

For almost 300 years French was the official language in UK.

Shakespeare added around 3,000 words to the English language.

British Library is the second largest library in the world with 150 million items.

The first speeding ticket was issued in UK.

Pounds is the oldest currency in the world that’s still in use, having clocked up an impressive 1200 years.

The River Thames has over 20 tunnels and 200 bridges.

There’s a law that allows a random citizen to kill a Scott entering the city of York if that person is holding an arrow above his head.

The Loch Ness Monster (known affectionately as ‘Nessie’) supposedly dwells in Loch Ness – the largest lake in the UK.

Killing swan is illegal in The UK. Punishment includes £5000 fine or 6 months imprisonments.

The Adder is the only venomous snake in UK.

In the past London had different names like Londinium or Ludenburg.

JK Rowling, the author of the Harry Potter series of books is first author to become a billionaire.

Suicide was once treated as a crime.

There are over 30 places around the world named Birmingham. There are places on the Moon that hold this name.

Big Ben is the name of the thirteen tonne bell. The actual tower that the bell is enclosed in is called St. Stephen’s Tower.

The United Kingdom has 31 heritage sites protected by the UNESCO.

There are over 100 universities in the UK.

In United Kingdom wherever you’re staying at the moment you’ll never be further than 115 km from the sea.

During the 16th century, the king raised a tax for everyone that had a beard.

Knap of Howar is the oldest building in UK whip was constructed around 3,700 AC.

Art was once considered an Olympic sport in UK.

In the grounds of the Tower of London, there must always be at least six ravens at any one time. This is due to an ancient decree put in place by King Charles II. It’s said that if this rule is broken, the monarchy will fall.

Smith Jones and Williams are the most common names in UK.

The Wimbledon Tennis Championships takes place in South West London. Over the course of the event, over 27 tonnes of strawberries and 7,000 litres of cream are consumed.

Although the great fire of London destroyed much of the city, there were only 6 recorded fatalities.

The Queen of England once had extensive power and authority over almost the entire world.

The UK has four surviving Celtic languages that are still officially recognised in the modern day. These are Scottish Gaelic, Irish Gaelic, Welsh, and Cornish (Kernewek)

The London subway has 409 escalators.

The London tube system is the largest underground system in the world.

In the year 1945 a large flock of starlings landed on the minute hand of St. Stephen’s Tower (Big Ben) which caused the time of the clock go back by 5 minutes.

Her Majesty the Queen is not allowed to enter the House of Commons because she is not a member.

There are more chickens than humans in the UK.

In the UK, previously mattresses were fastened to bed frames by ropes; by doing this you were able to pull the ropes which would make the mattress tighter, therefore making it firmer to sleep on hence the saying “goodnight, sleep tight”.

The treasures contained in the British Museum span two million years of world civilisation.

Berengaria of Navarre, who was married to King Richard of England, had never once stepped on English soil.

The people turning 100 can get a telegram from the Queen. It’s a personalised card and it’s not limited to hundredth birthday, one can apply for one for 105th birthday and for each birthday year after 105. 

Chicken Tikka Masala as the country’s national dish.


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