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Pandemics and Epidemics Through Ages (Part 2)

Italian Plaque:

From 1629 to 1631, Italy were suffered with a plaque so devastated that almost 1 million people were dead. This plaque was facilitated by Yersinia pestis , bacteria, rats and fleas. 

Great Plague of London:

In April 1665, the plaque started and rapidly transmitted. After the death of 100,000 people, the plaque ended. 15% of the London population were dead in this plaque. The transmission was facilitated by fleas of plaque infected rodent.

Great Plague of Marseille: 

From 1720 to 1723 the people of Marseille saw the wrath of the plaque. 30% of the population died. A cargo ship named Grand Saint Antoine from Eastern Mediterranean was likely to be the reason of spreading of the plaque. The ship was quarantined but through fleas and rodents the plague still got into the city. It ended claiming 100000 lives.

This face mask was used during plague

Russian plague: 

From 1770 to 1772, Moscow, was affected with the plaque. There were riots and violence during the plaque Russian empress Catherine II issued a decree ordering all factories to be moved from Moscow. The he plague ended claiming 100,000 people.

Plague : mode of transmission

Philadelphia yellow fever epidemic:

In 1793, Philadelphia which was the capital of the United States at that time was infected by the epidemic. The disease is carried and transmitted by mosquitoes. After arrival of winter season, the epidemic finally stopped as the mosquitoes couldn’t survive the weather. 5,000 people had died.

Cholera Pandemic:

From 1817 to 1923 the beginning of another pandemic. Vibrio cholera was the culprit behind the pandemic. It caused death of more than a million people.

The imaginary art is showing how cholera transmits through water

Third Plaque:

In 1885, people of India and China that time saw a new plaque. It caused death of more than 12 million people that time. It’s transmission and causation was credited to Yersinia pestis , rats and fleas.

Flu Pandemic:

From 1889 to 1890, the world saw another devastation. Influenza viruses caused the death of a million people around the world. Early cases were reported in Russia. Soon the viruses reached the whole world.

Flu pandemic

Yellow Fever:

In late 1800s The United States saw a havoc. The yellow fever which was likely to be caused and transmitted by virus and mosquitoes damaged the people. Death estimation is from 100000 to 150000.

American Polio Epidemic:

In 1916, New York first recorded cases of polio. With 27000 cases and 6000 deaths the epidemic continued around the United States. After vaccine was founded, the disease gradually dropped. In 1979 it was eradicated from the USA. 

That’s all for now. In our last part, we would learn about the following epidemics and pandemics including the recent corona virus.

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