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Why did Messi use Burofax to inform his decision?


Picture is collected from Amazon


Maybe you have already known that people are talking about Lionel Messi for letting Barcelona know about his desire to leave Camp Nou via fax.

Is Messi such traditionalist to send his decision through fax?

Well, it is not traditional fax. It is Burofax.

Let's know about Burofax.

What is Burofax?

A Burofax is a service provided by Spain's Postal Service (Cerreos).

Is it useful or not?

Well, Burofax is used for sending documents with proof. It prove that the document is delivered and also the content of that document. The sender also able to prove that the recipient received the documents on the given date.

The court of law will accept the sender's receipt of delivery as proof that the document was actually delivered.

Burofax can be sent at a post office in person or online on the Spanish Postal Service website.

Why did Messi rely on Burofax to inform his decision to Barcelona?

Messi used Barça which is named Burofax by Spanish Postal Service.

If the matter comes before  judge, Messi's lawer will be able to use Burofax to prove that Messi had provided it on a certain date. Barcelona can't argue that they didn't received the documents or the documents arrived later and so therefore Messi was late to notify them.

It is better to know that, 

There is a clause in Messi's contact that he can leave after a season ends. Usually the date was 31st May. But due to Coronavirus as the date was extended to August so he informed them before 31st  August (said to be 20 August).

Recently Messi agreed to an interview showing his points for sending the burofex. Let’s look at the interview clip conducted by

Goal: The famous burofax. There has been a lot of talk about Messi being badly advised and badly advised by the decision to communicate that you wanted to leave by burofax. Why did you decide to send that burofax? What did you want to demonstrate? What was your position?

Messi: “The burofax was to make it official in some way. Throughout the year I had been telling the president that I wanted to leave, that the time had come to seek new goals and new directions in my career.

“He told me all the time: ‘We'll talk, not now, this and that’, but nothing. The president did not give me a clue at what he was really saying.

“Sending the burofax was making it official that I wanted to go and that I was free and the optional year – I was not going to use it and I wanted to go.

“It was not to make a mess, or to go against the club, but the way to make it official because my decision had been made.”

Goal: So if you hadn't sent the burofax, maybe everything would have been forgotten and no one would have listened to you?

Messi: "Clearly. If I don't send the burofax, it's like nothing happens, I have the optional year I had to have continued all year.

“What they say is that I did not say it before June 10 – but I repeat, we were in the middle of all the competitions and it was not the moment.

“But apart from that, the president always told me, 'When the season is over, you decide if you stay or leave', he never set a date, and well, it was simply to make to the club official that he was not following his word, but not to get into a fight because I did not want to fight with the club.”

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